Meet the WARD 17 team

Frances Kemp




Frances is a writer (The Anomaly, Homeowners Handbook for Murder) always looking for new ways to tell stories and connect with her readers. 


She is also a creative data analyst bringing her unique vision of event-driven gameplay to the world of virtual reality and community gaming.


Per Nordgren (Red Lemon Art)


Consulting Experience Director


Per has been designing digital experiences for the last 20+ years. Everything from early multimedia projects through client server and cloud software systems to more current mobile apps and VR games.


He also plays bass, surfs, bikes, skis, competes in marathons, Spartan and Iron Man races, parties with death metal bands and consults as UX Lead and Agile Coach with several Fortune 500 companies.


Christopher Banchero


Business Director


Christopher is a graduate of the US Naval Academy. Leveraging his extensive leadership experience as a former military officer and nuclear engineer, Christopher has had a successful career as a consultant and business development manager.


His specialty is discovering and uniting talent. He enjoys leading complex multicultural teams in order to meet targeted, time critical objectives to increase customer value.

Robert Kemp


Technology Director


Robert's successful career in IT, Contracts and Project Management has taken him around the world. He has lived and worked all over North America, Asia, Australia, Europe, Africa and the Middle East. 


He is a true technophile, always on the cutting edge of security, infrastructure, communication and general gadgetry. 


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